
Ok, now for some controversy...

This is an important point for all of you to grasp!

How much does a job cost?! How much is a job worth?! I'll let you do the math... Bottom line, a LOT, if you go by these numbers!

Consider Dayton (45402) for a second. Over $97 Million in "stimulus". There were 167,000 people in Dayton according to the 2000 census results... For those of you without a calculator, that's $580,000 PER PERSON, given to Dayton!

Just because I don't want this to be lost on you... The government in it's infinite wisdom has paid the Dayton area $513,000 PER JOB created/saved using the chart attached!

Number of "households" in the US: 105 Million according to the 200 census. The "Bailouts" pledged so far: $11.6 Trillion and counting... That's almost $110,000 each household will pay, JUST for the bailouts!

Data sources:





One last way to look at it... There are 1 million people in the Dayton area. The unemployment rate is around 11.5%. That's 115,000. That means all the stimulus we've received so far has helped 1 out of every 185 unemployed (or in danger thereof) people.

Maybe they should just give us back the hundred thousand dollars they "rightfully stole" and see how much the economy gets stimulated!!!! And they call US "money grubbing".

Come on, if you can't see the problem here... Well, give me your freedom, please, because you don't need it anymore!

EOS (end of soap box)
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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