
Fun shooting, First 3 and Last 3 shots for the day.

This is my 5.56 rifle sighting-in from the other day. I think I've got it sighted in well enough for me... I scored 10, 10 and a bull's eye from 100 yards. That was with the fore grip resting the on the table and hand-holding the rest of it. I'm no sniper, but the square shape represents the center of the grouping which is about dead on. You can see the first three were just slightly over an inch apart (Center to Center, C-C=32mm). That means they would all fit in a fifty-cent piece! I'd like to think I had something to do with it, but it's really just the gun. The pic of 9 shots shoes scoring all black while hand-holding from a standing position. I'm pretty happy with the results. :) Now, I just need some more practice.
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