
Now, that's just GOOFY

Now, that's just GOOFY, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Daisy's hanging out with us and the boys outside. For some reason, she's decided to do it in the sandbox!? Monkey see, monkey do?
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Andy DIGS!

Andy DIGS!
Originally uploaded by FlickPics88

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Boys and their Bionicles

Boys and their Bionicles, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

They've been saving up their money again... Good news is they're only spending about a third of their "spoils".
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Andy's always been an elephant lover!

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You don't want to mess with THIS woman!

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Johnny thinks he's a dog...

Johnny thinks he's a dog..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Cool storm clouds

Cool storm clouds, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Cow Legs

Cow Legs, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

A family favorite!
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Marble Mania

Marble Mania, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys have rediscovered it.
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Some people collect junk...

Some people collect junk..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy collects junk mail! :)
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On the way home...

On the way home..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Wipers are on FULL speed!
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3D Cowboy?

3D Cowboy?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy is dressed and ready to go round up cows in a 3D movie theater!!
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There, that's even better.

There, that's even better., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I'll stop now.
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A better shot

A better shot, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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The Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Ohio's Famous!
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A boy and his blankie

A boy and his blankie, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I can't remember which, but one of us used to do this.
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Another night, another game!

Another night, another game!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Maybe the Dragon's won't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this time!?
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He's just adorable!

He's just adorable!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Too true!

Too true!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Johnny checks out the good deals! :)

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Bacon fest, Andy Style! :)

Bacon fest, Andy Style! :), originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

He's such a good helper!
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I have a helper

I have a helper, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy's helping me work on the tractor this time.
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Post diving board Johnny.

Post diving board Johnny., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny earned a his choice of treats at the pool today. He jumped off the diving board! I gave him $2 and he promptly bought a popsicle for himself and a bag of popcorn for Andy! Awwwww. What a sweet guy!
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Even dogs need a tan!

Even dogs need a tan!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Daisy saw me (Julie) sun bathing to get a primer coat for lying around the poolside. I guess she decided she needed to do the same! :o)
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10 seconds!

10 seconds!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

That's about how long it took for my fish to pick up right where they left off. Johnny entered the water by doing a cannonball combined with a front flip!
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Really!?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Now THAT's a new look!
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A monkey infestation

A monkey infestation, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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"Hey, how'd mom get an artichoke plant!?

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This place is cool!

This place is cool!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Kids love it.
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Wow, Kid's dream world!

Wow, Kid's dream world!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Drive 'em cowboy!

Drive 'em cowboy!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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3 boys

3 boys, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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A nice walk in the park.

A nice walk in the park., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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The Wright B Flyer

The Wright B Flyer, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Piloted by a storm trooper!
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Daisy's Playhouse :o)

Daisy's Playhouse :o), originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Daisy found a nice, private place to dodge the hot sun!
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Andy too!

Andy too!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy was driving the other night too!


Johnny's driving!

Johnny's driving!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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The Creation Museum

The Creation Museum
Originally uploaded by FlickPics88

I don't think I posted this before...
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What Puppy Dog Eyes!

What Puppy Dog Eyes!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Johnny's Sunday School Puppet

Johnny is supposed "speak boldly about Christ" with his puppet (as if he EVER doesn't).

Btw, you can't see Andy is this picture!
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Julie's good!

Julie's good!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I took her to the rifle range. She did many nice groupings at a hundred yards. This was one of them. 5" grouping. Don't mess with her!
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Andy's putting together his RoboBug

He's sooo thrilled that I brought him a soda can! :)
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Three shots, 30 points! :)

Three shots, 30 points! :), originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Precious possessions

Precious possessions, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Rewards from Sparks!
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Collecting "helicopters" with Andy.

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This is where I found Andy this morning! :)

I guess he loves his dog!?
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"Read my flips..."

"Read my flips...", originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

"...do NOT put these back"
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Guess what color Andy's was?

Guess what color Andy's was?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Mother's day treat

Mother's day treat, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys scored "sloshies" for their night out with their mom. :)
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There's no place like home!

There's no place like home!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Nice shades!

Nice shades!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

3D movies of the 21st century. Beats the paper things we used to have in the 80's! But still look like old people glasses! :)
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Andy says he's a submarine!

Andy says he's a submarine!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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