I can’t believe how much better Andy got my hitch working!!!💞
This hitch is supposed to rotate…
The hitch system that that came with my camper is “supposed” to articulate in all directions…You can’t see that it wasn’t working so well along the roll axis! Here’s Andy putting ALL his might into it. His biggest pipe wrench, a four foot cheater bar, and everything he has and we only managed to move it 20º or so. BUT, he kept working at it, I kept injecting PB and Kroil penetrant, and we slowly made progress…
Check out how much he’s lifting the back corner of the Jeep! The boy is a BEAST!!❣️
Fun memories❤️
I found the guy that built my camping trailer :)
Its day has finally come…
This should be fun…
Coming soon, but currently lost in the mail…
I swear the USPS has the worst ability to track something. Our packages so often just float around out there for a week or so with a status of "arrived at the next location still arriving on time" It usually says that for several days PAST the expected delivery date. Then they mysteriously show up, and you stop worrying…. Oddly, the tracking info reconciles and you find out it's been traveling back and forth all over the country from some odd reason… \
I laugh trying to figure out what this even is…!
Valentine’s Day fun at John and Savannah’s house…
You can see me discover my custom Funko Pop character Julie made for me.
She had fun getting it and was dying for me to get home so I she could give it to me! She had fun showing it to the boys and our friends at the range ahead of time. Everybody got a good laugh out of it. Even me.