
Our 2024 ornaments. Appropriate!

Julie was surprised how much they looks like Zoe and Chloe!

Julie’s “window” reflecting the tree lights

These two!

John and Andy went on their annual stocking shopping trip together.  It's fun to see the little things they find for each other that make us all laugh.  It's also fun to have them over and watch them stuff each other's stockings.  Love these guys!

I liked the sticker on my mom’s Christmas card

Jesus, the light of the world.  Plus we all have a special place for light houses in our family.  She's been writing Christmas letters for fifty years.  I like going back through my collection of them and reliving family memories.  

A baby hippo for the baby hippo…

We got the dogs a stuffing with a toy for each and a few snacks.  I thought this stuffy was perfect for Chloe!


You know you had a good say at the range when…

…there's this many ammo boxes empty after you shot in the competition!

There WAS however a “range incident”…!

Just a little gift from a friend!

Fun to spend all day at the range!

We held our weekly competition all day on Monday last week and this week.  Since a lot of us were off work, we got enjoy a more relaxes atmosphere and even saw some folks that hadn't been there in a while.  Andy and I crafted a really fun and mentally challenging course of fire.  I happened to take first place in pistol (iron and optic sights) and in PCC (rifle that shoots pistol caliber).  It's fun to win in all three platforms some times.

I think Zoe would play all day if I would!

We interrupt this Christmas party to bring you news…

Zac and Chloe are engaged! :) It was fun celebrate with them and Susan's impromptu gathering.


The gathering degraded into feats of strength… hahahaha

Holding a silver medal!

Ian and Caroline brought over Carson's (Ian's swimming friend and Caroline's brother in-law) silver medal that he won in Paris.  We all got to hold it.  It was surprisingly heavy.  The piece of metal on the back is from the Eiffel Tower. Pretty cool!

Fun and games at Laura’s low pressure Christmas

Since she had to work at Christmas Eve and Day, she invited us over for soup, charcuterie, and games. We had fun playing double ditto too.

You might have too many tools…

…if you have a branded credit card from them, lol.  It's just a gift card from a rebate over the last year sometime.  

Cool to see the view from the tail-gunner

I'm at the front and Zac was right behind me.  You can see our tail lights way up there.  It was cool to look back and see all the lights in the rear-view mirror, but I couldn't pause to take a pic.  You'll have to settle for this one from my helper at the back of the group.


The beauty and worship of our Christmas Eve service❣️

2024-12-21 David guided Backroad Mizfits easy ride with Zac

It was great to lead an easy ride with my club and my nephew last night! It was a little nippy at around 20º, but we didn’t have any issues and all enjoyed the evening. It’s fun to ride along in the video and image the reactions and enjoyment Zac and Chloe were having right behind me❣️

Leading an off-road night ride

Zac and Chloe went along with my group.  We headed down to Vinton County.  It was interesting, cold, and pretty easy.  We used a tow strap to get Zac's ranger up the water fall and to get Brandon out of the ditch when he slide in at the end of the ride…!  

I've never seen mudcicles before…

I found our annual treat for the boys to share!

It was a side benefit of our random road trip.  They may even give us a few bites. ;)

Andy and I on a random road trip

We headed to Indiana for him to check out a used pipe threader from Marketplace.  We had fun hanging out, found a good tool, AND I got lunch out of the deal :)

Why are there sparkles all over Andy’s car…?!


Chloe is totally committing to the belly rubs these days!

She's getting quite comfortable with me.  This was the first time she rolled over on her back for one of the many pettings she wants every day. ;)

John and Savannah made their place so cute for Christmas!

Pre-running for the night ride I’m leading for one of my clubs

The night makes it a little harder feeling, gives a different perspective, and feels a little "closed in".  I was glad I checked the route ahead of time.  It all changes a lot out there and we found a few alternates we had to design into the plan.  The water levels were higher than normal and the water fall (lower left) was flowing nicely.  

I had Julie’s presents all wrapped week early this year❣️

Rangedeer games!

Pam and Shawn made up a little game for our Christmas party.  We teamed up in groups of three (each team named after a reindeer), and had to score as many points as we could in 15 seconds.  The teams were drawn at random.  My team (bottom picture) was filled with ringers.  We even won first place!


An honor and privilege

Jeff's son brought his dad's off-duty gun and let us shoot it!  Chambered in .357-Sig, it was fun and nostalgic.  He even left it at the range for us to try whenever we want!  I remember seeing this on Jeff sooo many times.  He always shot the league with it and usually did better than all of us in spite of the long trigger pull and low round count!

Safely back home

We enjoyed a great Christmas party at the range! Pam, her mom, Shawn and Ellen outdid themselves!

Pretty much the end of the weekend.

On the bottom, I'm pulling up the last bit of the last hard (16b) trail we did.  In the top, we're watching the sunset as we head back to the parking lot on the last day.

Footage from the rest of the group

The top left is mine, but the others are from the drone one of the group brought along on Saturday last weekend.

Angles and rocks we attacked at Windrock a week ago


I love my little town❣️

Some of the angles from our trip a week ago…

Play a game of tipping your device until the trees are straight up and down and you can get a different perspective of how far we tip back and forth on the trails!

Andy knows I laughed a lot at this one…

Percy put on quite the performance with this bag of Doritos! Andy knows I love watching cats trying to get themselves out of these kind of situations…!

You might as well see my sticker table too…

I thought it was time for a Jeep sticker update…


2024-12-13 Muddy Buddys Windrock Trail 16 & 41b (Both Double Black Diamond) & 26 Medium-Hard Ride

 Just a little of the fun we had over the weekend. It’s not exactly in order and we covered several other green, blue, and black trails on the map that aren’t listed in the title, but these are the highlights. Thanks to the whole crew who contributed the video and photos over the weekend for this montage (Rob, Dave, Ben, Emillie, Brandon, and Joe’s drone). The compilation could still use some work, but I could tweak it forever. Trying to balance time spent and timeliness hahaha.

It’s gonna be a good ride when…

…There are ATV routes in the MIDDLE of town! :)

A little trail rash to show for my efforts

I guess I bounced off one two many rocks over the weekend.  Just need to give it a wash and hit a couple spots with a rattle can of paint and you'll hardly notice… ;)

Pretty mist in the mountains on the way home a weekend ago

Can you spot the two new Windrock stickers for my rig?


We covered a lot of ground in two days…

At least 45 miles on the trails at Windrock last weekend. Even several double black diamond. 16, 41a were especially challenging.

The day two crew

Just another day on the rocks!

Some drone footage from the group

Planning the route for day two last weekend

It was kind of fun to figure out where we wanted to go and what level trails we wanted to hit.  I think some of the group were ready for an easier day!


The day’s mud as we pulled into Mexican for dinner.

Safely back in one piece…

Although a transmission connector came loose on one of the rigs and put him out of commission for the next day… :( So, he rode shotgun with me.