
I picked up some fall colors along the way on the trails.

This is my running board after our ride. Hahaha. I took some video of the ride.  With any luck I'll have some time in the next couple days and you'll get to see some of that soon.  

Our group stayed at two cute little motels.

 We had six folks for our early scouting ride.  Three TJs and three “others”. ;) Here we’re standing around getting to know each other, gassing up, airing down, checking radios, etc.

Just sitting out in front of the very hills we’re about to hit.


All packed up for a trail riding weekend in Kentucky this past weekend.

Some clothes, boots, and fluids because you never know… It should be fun to spend the night down there, enjoy some off-road time, and enjoy the beauty of the fall woods.  

Fall fills the ditch with colors for sure :)



How to haul?!

At least I thought ahead and took my hitch platform along to get new tires.  This way I could haul them home in one trip without an extra car or having to take a trailer.  

The platform used to be my uncle's so it's nice to be using something again with some generational history :) It had to be sturdy too since those tires are 75 ponds each!

Crazy thing, I had these sold the next day.  It's a good thing, because tires are pricey!  

The fall colors and sun peaking through the tree!

 Just putting a few more things out for sale. 

I’ve used these guys for years.

I recommend them for price, service, speed, and helpfulness.

Check out my back seat.  I could only fit two of the old tires in there… I'll put them up for sale at the end of my driveway instead of paying $3 each to recycle. :)

Two black cats watching the Fall

This is the kind of stuff a Jeep “can” do.

Mine isn't quite up to those specs though.  With the 4 cylinder engine, no locking differentials, and only 33" tires without bead locks, I wouldn't fare so well.  But it's cool to see this kind of stuff.  Maybe I'll see it in person one day, or ride with someone that can do.  


I got some new shoes for my Jeep.

The 13 year old ones were getting a little too hardened and slippery in the rain.  

Andy is a sentimental guy inside there somewhere ❤️

He's used his tape measure to death.  It's the one I bought him when he was a youngster.  The spring broke and it's rusted enough that it doesn't work.  Time for retirement? Not so fast, he loves it because of the memories and the fact that I wrote his initials on the outside of it and it reminds him of me.  When they wear off a little, he re-traces them.  So, he went and bought a new one, pulled the guts out of it and rebuilt his original one.  It's good as new now, he can still use the old one and keep the new one with old parts on the shelf so he still has those. :) I love that kid!

That same off-road park by Akron. Looks like fun!

Wow! Fall colors sure pop!

This is the sunrise hitting the treetops with some storm clouds in the background.  It made for nice contrast!


Consolidating and de-cluttering

I love all the cool old antiques we have from our various relative's collecting over the years, but we can't keep them all.  So we've been slowly putting more things for sale at the street to the antique shoppers on their way to Waynesville.  I like the way this picture of a milk crate looked on a fall day. :)

My kind of off-road park…

This is an Ohio couple that vlogs their off-roading together.  Here, they're at a park up by Akron wheelin'.  I noticed the shooting range in the background… I am going to have to check both out! :)

Their dog (Willy, hahahaha) also seems to love standing in the back seat while they hit the trails.  I plan to see if I Zoe will enjoy going with me too.  

I like this pic of Julie and me from Jeff’s memorial celebration last weekend


Sometimes Zoe reminds me to take a little time each day and some time on some weekends to just enjoy life and not worry about what's next.  

Andy left some pizza “meat” on the bone… hahahahaha.

It's fun to get pictures like this and have interactions with the boys that keep us engaged with their daily lives even though they're on their own now. :)


My kind of place!

This is my favorite Sauerkraut.  Can I really buy it by the pallet?! They'd stopped carrying it at our usual Kroger so I was happy to see lots in stock down at Jungle Jim's.  Then Julie stumbled on it still available at another nearby Kroger.  That's good, it saved me trying to figure out how to load a pallet in the back of her car, hahahahaha.

I thought all the different patterns in the quail eggs was cool!

It makes sense to have a random gas stove in a grocery store, right?!

Julie and I made a trip to Jungle Jim’s over last weekend.

We always enjoy the drive time together and browsing for what's new.  It's crazy how much they've added on and changed over the more than twenty years we've been visiting a few times a year.

POV when you load mags for a fun shoot all morning…

It was fun get to see everyone dump a mag full each of .223, .45, and 9mm so quickly!  It sure kept Sean and I busy loading!


You know it’s going to be a good day when even the case design is a beautiful thing…!

It's crazy to think about playing with hardware nearing a hundred years old!  Meet my friend's friend, Tommy Thompson… ;) 

What started this whole sequence….?

I sent a couple memory pics, and we all realized we were missing having each other's cats around so we got quick updates of the current cat vibes.  A fun little exchange with the boys this past weekend.

Julie showing that slo-mo is cool!


The sounds of our memorial fun gathering this past weekend…!


Zoe trying to convince me she should be in my lap!

She just squirts up out of nowhere and stares intently… 


What a beautiful scene riding my bike a few nights ago!


A little macro fun with fall colors and evening dew

We got the special treatment at our favorite sushi place :)

Family and friends gathered to remember Jeff again

It's crazy that it's been two years since he died.  It was fun to see the friends and family again for sure!

Everybody needs an office mascot!

It's fun that Zoe hangs out with me during my meetings and work in my home office. :)


New weather, new mode…

I like the reflection of the subtle fall colors in the front window too.  With fall rain and temperatures, I need to have the top, doors and windows on sometimes.  It's kind of funny how cozy, nice and warm, and quiet it seems inside the Jeep when it's like this.  Everything is relative I guess.  I do notice it has more power and maintains speed more easily on the highway without all the extra drag of the open tub mode, hahahahaha.

This was just after I pulled into the garage after breakfast with John.  You can see my Waffa coffee cup on my fender.  I'm glad they improved their coffee not too long ago.  It used to be bad enough I would avoid it, now it's good enough I look forward to it. 

Johnny and I took a Jeep ride to breakfast Friday

Waffa (Waffle House) is always a good option.  

John's coffee stayed too hot to drink until even after breakfast!

My off-road bike has sure been a good investment.

I've explored a lot, kept my exercise up in spite of issues with my knee, and I get a cool picture now and then too. :)

Andy and his Grammy on a date. :)

She wanted to make him some of her famous chicken broccoli casserole, he wanted her to see his place and his new van, so she made up a nice takeout pack and brought it over.  Both commented to me how much they enjoyed the time together❣️


Some of Andy’s handiwork :)

From top left clockwise: How it started (they were reporting a leak in their line under the flooring), what he found, how he fixed it it and cemented it all back together, and how nicely he cleaned everything back up. 

He even starts his journeyman class in a couple weeks.  He's becoming pretty useful and self sufficient.

Memories of the old clock radio

This used to sit on my dad's night stand.  I remember sometimes falling asleep to a ball game or music, listening intently for snow day announcements, and it sometimes waking us from naps on Sunday morning or afternoon.  A few days ago, I ran across where I'd saved it in the garage during our refurb of the house.  It was nice to refect on the good momories❣️


The sun hitting silver maple red is beautiful!


I enjoy seeing the leaves on the ground in the Fall.

 I especially like seeing some still green, some yellowing on the tree, and others red-orange falling to the ground.


Julie didn’t think I’d ride with not doors, windows or Jeep top in shorts at 50º…

I needed to wear shorts to go get fitted for my brace, but I wanted to take my Jeep and enjoy some of the remaining "nice" weather we still have.  It was a bit brisk, but I enjoyed it just the same.  

The good news is the brace makes a big difference in the way my knee feels.  It should let it heal and still allow me to do weight bearing activities.  2-3 months of this and then a check-in to see how I'm doing…


These were the REALLY good things we had too,

LOTS of sauerkraut!  From lower left: thick fried bologna sandwich, grand slam hotdog (made of smoked sausage), and an open faced reuben.  A perfect hometown treat!

Of course, I had to laugh at the t-shirt in the lower right! 

Six out of seven entrees of sauerkraut!

Below you can see four of the yummy tidbits Julie, Andy and me had at the Sauerkraut Festival last weekend. Dessert was the funnel cake of course.  Andy lets us have a bite or two of his.  Starting in the upper left you have sauerkraut balls, reuben rolls, and then sauerkraut with smoked pork bits.  I was in heaven!


And now for the annual look up and down Main Street…

Nobody really showed up for the Sauerkraut Festival last weekend… hahahaha.  We enjoyed the 53rd version of it.  The weather was perfect.  Just the right cool fall temperature and clouds to make it enjoyable and pretty.  

It was fun to see Julie enjoying the festival with her friend Diane

I like my cute little lady!

Check out Andy’s new “varsity” jacket

He and I stumbled on a guy giving away some old motorcycle jackets.  He picked up this one, Johnny got a leather one, and I scored a riding jacket complete with armor (might come in handy for the ATVs or Jeep shenanigans.

Also, check out the ingredient list for the Grand Slam Hot Dogs we picked up at the Sauerkraut Festival last weekend! Yum!

He's a nice looking kid in fancy jacket and decent clothes. ;)

Zoe can be the queen of four wheelin’ now…!

I found a nice fluffy (shock absorbing) bed for her and even a short leash that clips into the seatbelt.  Now she's lays right down and seems to be happy to ride.  I guess the next test will be some actual off-road trails and see what she thinks when we're bouncing and tipping all over the place?


Just enjoying the fall colors on my lunch time ride with Zoe this week. :)

John and I had to commemorate our similarities…

Pants, shoes, socks, jackets… We're still too much alike…

I love that kid❣️ It’s fun that he’ll still enjoy things with me.  I like talking over things and catching up too. :)

Trying out a different place.

The Brunch Club was REALLY good!  It was pretty busy for a Friday morning too!