
Mom and I are both thrilled that Julie found this for us!

Pickled rope bologna… Doesn’t sound very appetizing, but it sure is good!  Also brings bad lots of good memories of my mom and me getting it at the delis up in Lakeside over the years of our vacations up there.  

She bought me and my mom a WHOLE jar.  We drop shipped my mom's to her doorstep and she was genuinely surprised and happy.  She was going to have some for dinner, but ended up not being able to wait and broke into it for an afternoon snack❣️

God photoshopped my pic

My original iPad is a photo frame in the basement.  I guess it's been a while since I touched it.  I walked by a few days back and this was the view.  For a second I thought there was a spider in the iPad or picture somehow, then I realized it was just silhouetted against the backlight. Hahahahaha. It's a cool pic of our favorite plane too.  I especially like that you can see the shark face painted on the cannon area.    


My dad and grandpa would be proud. I've found a new appreciation for dad's old creeper over the last several weeks. I even repaired the hinge so it works like it's supposed to. It hasn't since about the time I was 10 or so. But it does now, again. :) 

I have such good memories of laying under cars and trucks with my dad on this thing over the years.  I’d say I learned a LOT and had good times with him too.  It’s paying off now for sure. ;)

My dad got this as a gift from my mom for Christmas in 1967.  It's more historic than my historic vehicle by about double! Hahahaha.h

Yes! The hike was worth it!

The beautiful Neuschwanstein castle!

I love the view and the shot I got for my efforts.  This was back in the day before drones, so you had to work to get some elevation. ;)

Should I keep going and see where the trail leads…? "I still got time…"
RetroBlog 2007-10-13

From the castle, I saw this bridge…

I thought to myself, "What if I head up towards that bridge and try to figure out how to get across it and get a better view of the castle…?" It looked like I'd have to walk quite a ways, but maybe it would be worth it?! 
RetroBlog 2007-10-13


I’m slowly tinkering away in the garage with my Jeep.

I'm trying to make it street legal so I added a $9 Amazon license plate light.  It's bright enough to work as a reverse light too.  I've made a lot of progress fixing little things with a minimum of investment so far.  Some of the bigger and more expensive things are still to come…

Johnny and Savannah are working on repairing the fence

That way Pebbles can run more free.  It's fun to watch them working together and I'm glad they're fixing it back up.

Janice had torn down a couple panels in her last year because she preferred the view off into the horizon without obstruction… ;)

Pretty scenery from my trip to lunch with Julie a couple weeks back.

This is the city center park area in Columbus.

Lots of fall colors from 15 years ago.

RetroBlog 2007-10-13

A little better view of the “small” home

I love the way it's nestled into the pine trees and the fall colors that are showing from that time of year as it sits in the shadow of the Neuschwanstein castle.
RetroBlog 2007-10-13


Julie and I celebrated our dating anniversary.

A couple weeks ago, we headed to a Brazilian steakhouse (churrascaria) after church to celebrate 34 years of dating.  This was the roasted pineapple dessert.  We had great food.  A nice smpling of all the meats and all the salad bar had to offer.  Plus, I had great company❣️

I had a hard boiled quail egg.

It tasted about like a chicken egg with a slightly stronger flavor.  

These are the kind of fun little things my wife makes for me.

This happens to be folded from the bulletin at church.  I like the way her brain works. ;)

My first glimpse of the Neuschwanstein as I was walking up to it from the village

The morning fog was jsut starting to lift as I came around the corner and its majesty came into view!
RetroBlog 2007-10-13

RetroBlogging in Germany

I had a spare Sunday morning on a trip to Germany.  I decided to take a tour of a couple modern castles.  The first one, the yellow one in the lower left was the "small" residence of the builder of the Neuschwanstein castle that you will see later. ;) I loved how the morning mist and the river valley combined for a beautiful vista that day.
RetroBlog 2007-10-13


The sunset from the weekend ~two weeks ago.

 I’ve always called this Fingers of God.  Josh said it was Jacob’s Ladder when it’s pointing up and Fingers of God when pointing down?  Whichever, it’s beautiful!

It must have been crazy hair night at AWANA…?!

It was always fun to do things along with the boys.  I think it made a great basis for our ongoing adult relationship. I love them❣️

Here we had red and blue paint and even some glitter to go along with the evening!
RetroBlog 2007-09-26

It’s always fun to see how much Julie loves her boys!

RetroBlog 2007-09-16


One of Waynesville’s original homes

Also part of the Underground Railroad and owned by the lady that assisted with the tour.  Pretty place!  All white inside too!

A tour guide is also a photographer.

This is her phone case. :)

Waiting for our Underground Railroad tour to start

I liked the way this old building complex looked.  It's downtown by the memorial park.  I never noticed it before. 

A cool shot as we left after our date.

RetroBlog 2007-09-15

A great shot of Julie from back in the day❣️

We were on a date at the Pub in the Greene.
RetroBlog 2007-09-15


We rounded up all the muscle we could find

Then asked Andy, Johnny, and the owners son if they could help ;) They did a good job of loading the trailer.  All I had to do was supply the trailer and the tie down straps. Hahahaha.

Let’s get a piano…

Andy and me helped Johnny and Savannah pick up a "free if you come get it" piano out on the other side of Waynesville.  It turned out to be a beautiful old farmhouse property over two hundred years old.

Even crazier, the owner turned out to be a friend of Susan's, Andy's college advisor from Sinclair, AND a former customer of his.  While we were talking, she mentioned a unique company her brother worked for… It sounded familiar to me and I connected the dots.  She was talking about a former boss of mine.  What a small world.  THEN she told me he was sitting out in the yard because they were having their annual family reunion.  So he and I got to catch up after 15 years. Really interesting.  

I fixed my speedometer!

My Jeep came without the speedometer working properly.  I crawled under to find that the connector was not only unplugged, but had been sheared off when they'd recently replaced the transfer case.  So, I found a new connector at Auto Zone, wired it up in the parking lot, and headed home finally knowing how fast I was going.  As I suspected, they'd never re-geared the speed sensing gear for the 33" tires.  This makes the speed indicated read low by 15% or so.  I checked my differential ratio, measured the actual tire diameter, and found a chart to tell me the right number of teeth to get.  Then I installed it and got no reading at all… It turns out, you have to rotate the speed sensor housing into one of four different orientations depending on the number of teeth.  I did that and now it is spot on and works great!  It's nice to have an older and very common vehicle where I can look up just about anything about it on the internet!

So, I calculated that it has 120K miles instead of the 101K it reads.  So, add 19K ;)

As an extra bonus, I found another sensor on the transfer case that was unplugged.  I fixed that and now my check engine light is off too!  I am really happy with my new little hobby truck.  It is pretty "clean" with enough little things to do to enjoy tinkering in the garage.  It all works and runs and has minimal rust in the body and frame (especially considering its age).

It was a beautiful fall day.

I remember it well.  Steve took the boys and me to Carillon Park to ride on a scale model train.  I am sure Waffle House was involved too!
RetroBlog 2007-09-15

Last look at a zillion sunflowers before we move on… :)

RetroBlog 2007-09-15


Andy installed Julie’s faucet upgrade!

Between her picking it out and his install, we have a really nice setup for our wash tub in the basement.  Great for washing up grease monkeys and even dirty dogs. That will teach me to go on the road. While the cat's away, the mice will play.  ;)

I have a love//hate relationship with magnetic charging ports…

This is what happens when you're rattling around under your historical vehicle and you're using your flashlight…

The cats are getting used to the dog being nearby…

We have all three of the fur-kids with us in this pic. :) Bitty isn't quite sure about it yet and still looks a little alarmed after she jumped up and realized Zoe was in my lap…

I enjoyed them by the thousands and one at a time.

RetroBlog 2007-09-15

We discovered a field of sunflowers!

This was on one of our bike path trips to Kil-Care.  We road past this beautiful field of sunflowers.  I could have stayed there all day taking pictures!  The boys probably felt like I did, hahahahahaha.
RetroBlog 2007-09-15


Julie’s free-range pet jumping spider.

She brought him back from the family reunion and let him go in the house.  He comes by to say high most days.  She decided to offer him one of her meal worms.  He eventually decided it might make a yummy snack.  He looked pretty comical carrying it around the table top. Hahahahahaha.

It’s nice to have friends that give you things…

One of my friends used to go on paintball/ATV trips.  He's gotten out of that and decided I might enjoy playing…!  I think he's right.  Of course, I already emptied a hopper of balls onto the yard.  None of the trees lived to tell any tales…! 

It’s a Jeep thing…

It's a good idea to clean your skid plate off every once in a while. This was some of the collection I found up under there when working on my speedometer and shocks a couple weeks ago.

Grampy, Josh and me worked late into the night…

…we were determined to finish the swing set they'd bought for the boys.  We finally finished and of course, they had to have a play session on it.  Molly seemed to enjoy the company too.
RetroBlog 2007-09-11

It was fun to see the kids running around together at the park

Susan, Julie and me took a home school field trip to Carillon Park that day.  We all enjoyed the change of pace and time together.  The boys had fun with their cousins too.
RetroBlog 2007-09-07


A little post ride posing with Ian and my machines.

What a great time we had on the trails and in the mud.  Good memories.

Here’s Johnny standing where the birthday sign took up residence. :)

He's also looking out into the empty lots where they enjoyed playing so many times with their cousins after meals at our family gatherings.  These days, other houses have been built next door, but while they were young, it was the perfect place to burn off some extra kid energy while the rest of us caught up.

Mom always hangs the happy birthday sign that her mom made in this window whenever it's any of our birthdays.  It doesn't matter if she sees us on the actual day or not, it's there, celebrating our day! My mom has always been great at remembering and celebrating little things like that.  It's one of the many ways she shows her love for each of us.
RetroBlog 2007-09-13

Johnny and Andy helping my mom and dad move into their new house

This was back in 2007 just after they finished having it built.  We have all enjoyed many family gatherings there since.  
RetroBlog 2007-09-13


Post-ride smiles with Ian. :)

Just before we loaded up and headed home.

Ian found a nice ditch to fall into…

We pulled him out by hand. ;)

A few video clips testing our ATV capabilities in Fairborn


I took a long weekend on my birthday

Ian and I decided to do a little four wheelin' before he started his master's degree for his PA career.  Here he is whipping up a little mud in a drift.  There was just enough rain in the area that day to make it a little more fun. :)


Zoe looks perplexed.

I don't think she quite knows what to do when the cat came up to sit next to her hahahahaha!

A couple of my first climbs and descents in the Jeep at the off-road park Haspin Acres.


Some more of the wheelin’ we did in the Jeep over my birthday weekend.

This one challenged my resolve a bit.  The Jeep made it without a problem.  I was a bit nervous, but it impressed me.

A cousin trip to Carillon Park

I figured I better do a little more retro blogging. ;)
RetroBlog 2007-09-07


I found some other hills to play on.

The camera flattens out inclines so much that it's hard to see the extent to which I had to climb up there.  But it still made a nice pic. Still only had to use second gear.  I need to find something that requires first. ;)

Left or right…

Right look easier, but I heard that nobody makes it up that way, so I went left and it was easy!  The Jeep didn't even START to struggle.

Julie and I went wheelin’ with the Jeep for my birthday week.

Here I'm just starting to think about testing the limits.  I was being pretty careful since I hadn't fixed up my worn suspension components yet.  The boys and I and Savannah are going to go there I again this afternoon.  It should be a better, smoother, and quieter time since I've replaced the shocks, steering stabilizer, and rear sway bar links now. :)

4 low is AMAZING.  So much torque.  It was funny when I got done and shifted back into 2 high… It was like I forgot how to drive a stick shift hahahahaha.