
Me learning the balisong double aerial close well enough to film it. :)


Zoe showing us she is ready to be done with all the extra equipment!

She's doing quite a bit better these days, but a couple weeks ago, it was nice to see her bringing us stuff to play with.  I think she was saying, "hey, give me back my baby rope!"

Of course we had to teach them putt-putt golf!

RetroBlog 2004-05-28

This is one of my favorite Lakeside pictures!

Johnny by the sailing beach.  Little did I know he'd grow up to like sailing with me so much.
RetroBlog 2004-05-26


Of course, I had to take a walk and capture this shot.

I got a chance to enjoy dinner with my old district.

This was the bridge view from our seats.

Andy sure had/has an ornery face!

I caught this look on the playground at Lakeside :)
RetroBlog 2004-05-25

Typical Lakeside activity!

RetroBlog 2004-05-24


A pretty view along the line

 You can see the tower we jumped from in the upper left of the frame.

One of the districts from work invited me along on their “meeting”

Here we are finishing up the zip-line part of the agenda.

These are great memories of my family and me at Lakeside!

RetroBlog 2004-05-23

If you can’t get your mower started…

…put your 2 1/2 year old on the job!  Johnny was "helping" me get the battery charged up.
RetroBlog 2004-05-07


There’s a couple pranksters in every group…!


You don’t get the good shots without pushing the limits!

I went zip-lining with a local district sales team and enjoyed getting a few pics along the way.

I used to take the kids on my roller-blade jaunts like this.

Sometimes they got along great, sometimes the messed with each other!  Either way, I enjoyed having them along and this perspective of looking in on their interactions. :)
RetroBlog 2004-04-07

This is why we gave up trying to have Andy’s birthday parties outside…

You had about a 60% chance it would either be too cold, or too wet!  This was one we tried to have at Indian Riffle park.  We decided it might be a bad idea to send the kids down this slide! Haha.
RetroBlog 2004-05-02


This is a funny way to tell me that the coffee is brewing…

Chipster Dufus riding a jackhammer!

 He’s protecting his territory which he apparently thinks Julie is challenging.  It’s the cutest thing.  We think he looks like he’s manning a jackhammer. ;)

I found this guy along the road in Arkansas…!

I was on a road trip and came over a hill to find him standing just off the road on his side of a fence.  I decided that was worth pulling over for a pic!
RetroBlog 2004-04-20

Another visit to Thunder over Louisville!

I always loved when they lit up the whole bridge!
RetroBlog 2004-04-17


A nice night to sight in some new optics.

It looks like I am going to run out of light before I get done though…

Current day: Itty Bitty wants to participate in lunch…!

Next adventure the Louisville Slugger Museum

We left the boys with their grandparents and set off on a weekend of fun and fireworks for Thunder Over Louisville.  While we were waiting for the show to start, we stopped in for a quick tour.
RetroBlog 2004-04-16

We went for a family hike at Clifton Gorge.

Julie must be taking this picture, or I have decided to carry a black purse, haha.
RetroBlog 2004-04-15


I can finally see again and am back in the game!

Old eyes and bifocals don't mix very well with iron sights.  I have been doing ok, but mostly just kind of holding my own in 3rd-5th place in a field/class that wasn't as competitive.  Julie and I finally made the switch over to optics and now I've rocketed back up to 1st place among the most competitive class.  And that was only on the second try with new gear.  I am looking forward to getting a little more practice in!  The way the light reflects through the optic also makes for a cool picture.

Another Saturday roller-blading adventure.

This time to Kil-Care Speedway.  We would watch the drag strip practice from the bike path.  
RetroBlog 2004-04-10

Johnny and I biked to the Eastwood Lake park together.

He was content to sit ther while I took these shots.  Good memories of time together. 
RetroBlog 2004-03-27


It’s fun to see the kids enjoy the outside space we have!

Johnny and Savannah sitting in a tree…

Something like this happens every couple hours at our house…

I can't figure out what she's trying to say?!  The good news is it's starting to happen again after he surgery.  That's really good to see!

Julie encouraged me to to get on the floor and play with them early!

I'm glad she did.  I remember many times like this.  Andy's belly laugh was so fun!
RetroBlog 2004-03-16

Just some brother play time!

What a cute couple of little boogers!
RetroBlog 2004-02-19


This is her idea of “helping” me with my push-ups…

Zoe's extra 23 pounds are clearly NOT a help in this situation…!

Some of the pretty gradients…

…that Julie gets out of her temperature sensitive nail polish.  

Andy’s laugh and smile was/is infectious!

RetroBlog 2004-02-15

Andy and I heading off on another adventure!

I liked hiking with them like this.  Warm, close, fun.  I could kiss the top of their little round noggins and enjoy their company!
RetroBlog 2004-02-14


A great combo of faves for me!

Waffle House, Ham radio and the range! :) And let me tell you what, this gentleman knows how to shoot too!

I think Zoe might like her toys!

Keeping warm while sledding.

RetroBlog 2004-02-07

This snow flake landed on my glove.

I was packing up from sledding with Johnny and thought I would try to take a picture with macro mode on my little point and shoot camera.  I guess it worked well enough. ;)
RetroBlog 2004-02-07


Zoe loves even the scraps of her destroyed stuffies!


Zoey talking to the goats the week before I threw her off an ATV…

I remember this sledding trip well.

I would pull Johnny up the hill, then we'd slide down together!  He loved it and I got in a good workout, haha.
RetroBlog 2004-02-07

Happy time for Johnny and Daddy David!

RetroBlog 2004-02-07


Itty Bitty is starting to tolerate Zoe SLIGHTLY more… haha.

Zoe runs with the goats… Makes me happy and sad at the same time.

This was the weekend before Zoe’s accident with the ATV.  It’s fun to see her running along and enjoying it so much.  We were getting all the mowers, ATV, and trailers, etc. out and ready to run for spring and she spent the day helping. :) She’s doing really well in her recovery.  She started using the doggy door and ramp again this weekend. I hope and pray she will get back to being able to jump up and bark and run… :( I love this little pup.

Mount Rainer on the way out of the Seattle airport.

I had just hiked on it late the night before.  We had a chance to hit some of the trails, but it was dark.  I remember using the screen from my Palm Pilot as a light.  Who knew everyone would eventually be using their devices/phones for flashlights everywhere, haha.
RetroBlog 2004-01-16