
Another blast from the past and our Ireland trip.

Julie and I saw this church early in our Ireland trip.  It's been one of my favorites ever since.

I picked up this cool box while browsing with Julie this past weekend.

It reminds me of my current Kentucky team and travels and their American heritage.

Just a cool lighting technique to find cracks in castings.

I thought it made an awesome picture.  You can see the vertical yellow line in roughly the middle of the picture.  That's a crack we can find with our machine vision systems. 


A sunset form earlier this week, in contrast.

I guess you can see that I still like taking pictures of sunrises and sunsets after more than twenty years of digital photography, haha.  I loved how much the rays showed up in this view!  I was running across the field to work on a downed tree and HAD to stop for this shot! :)

A sunrise from the past.

Fall 1999 and Julie and I are headed to Ireland.  This was the view from the plane.  

I found this new watch face interesting and fun.

It gives you an idea of the time all over the world.  The little red arrow at the bottom tells you your current time zone.  The globe in the middle shows where the line between day and night is currently.  


The sunset from church Sunday night!

This is our house in Beavercreek from the fall of 1999

I am pulling out more of my first digital pics.

I think we were actually pulling out on our way to the airport to fly to Ireland.

The ringleaders of the cat mafia at our house…

I got all kinds of funny comments from my family on this one…

"That is hilarious and freaky all at the same time!  What are they, the Mafia or something??"
"The look on that face on the right!"
" Itty Bitty terrorist, looks like to me!"
"that is so cute ans creepy and cool at the same time"
"Love their faces! Fancy setting for their photo!  🐱🐈‍⬛"


The Barton Girls day out!

The ladies decided it was time to get together.  Laura made breakfast then they all explored the Second Street Market together.  They seemed to all enjoy it!  Julie found a cicada necklace, mushrooms, and a moisturizing candle in her browsing. 

When Julie put the "Barton Girls Date" on our shared calendar, the boys thought it meant Julie and I wanted to go out with the Johnny and Andy's girlfriends (Savannah and Hannah).  It's fun to think about them being branded as Barton Girls too. ;)

Speaking of dogs, I found another picture of Shorty.

This is another film based one I scanned in just about the time I was getting into digital photography.

Zoe ran errands with me for most of the day Saturday.

We even hauled a mower on the trailer! She seemed really stressed by the experience, haha.  She is totally chill with car rides.


I love our paths I’ve made in our “woods” in the field.

It's crazy that you can capture such a difficult exposure scene so well these days.  The blooms in the distance were in full sun, but the camera still needed to deal with shade and filtered sun of the path.  A combo of ProRaw editing and HDR artificial intelligence pre-processing… all on a phone.  Nice.  ;)

Julie’s lavender rose has opened quite nicely! :)

This is one of my favorite flower pics from my early digital photography days.

Crazy to think about the days before every phone had a camera…


We went on a double date with some old and new friends last night… ;)

Someone brought around "a rose for the ladies".  We enjoyed stories of how each other met and started dating.  Lots of laughter and fun getting to know each other.

It’s done!

Julie finished her Notre Dame puzzle this week.  It looks really good and reminds us of the time we spent exploring it together. :)

My brother in-law looking all professional for Oktoberfest at his job!

I'm proud of him and ALL he accomplishes for his family, OUR family! :) Love you bud!

My very first picture on a digital camera.

This is also from the nineteen hundreds! ;) July, 1999 to be exact. 


We’re happy with how our ornamental grass has taken root in the rock garden


I was digging through some of my early digital pictures and found some that were scans of our film-based snapshots from the nineteen hundreds!  I thought I would post some.  This will give you a chance to see some of our life before blogging and even before the kids showed up! Haha.  

This was our favorite dog. She was so fun.  We inherited her from North Carolina when Julie's grandparents died.  She loved being and doing everywhere and everything with us.  She used to ride in the car and yowl out if we took a turn too fast!  Basset Beagle, a perfect mix!

The flying buttresses are taking shape to hold up the massive foam walls… ;)


I enjoyed a nice sunset during my ride home through the country this weekend.

It looks cool both slow and fast. :)

 It’s fun to see the subtlety of pushing around each rotation as well as gettin your fingers out of the way of the swinging handles just in time.


Zoe is slowly gathering her toys outside.

It's a good way to wear her out, then she can bask in the sun. :)

I liked this sketch representing city life during the pandemic.

It was in a book I saw while Julie and I were browsing a book store on our date.  The book was called "Together".  I like the one near the bottom of a kid flying on the ceiling fan…


I enjoyed the views as I worked around our property yesterday.

It was a beautiful day for it for sure!

I also managed to stir up quite a bit of dust with my mower…

The cats are watching me eat breakfast…

I think they're waiting for their chance to take a bit out of me… haha

It looks like I broke my dog…

She laid down in my office looking like she's been twisted in two different directions, haha!


I guess Zoe is trying to hide from the world?

Saffy crawled in my sleeve and managed to activate the light on my watch…

…AND put it in blinking mode!  You can see her little nose just over top of my watch if you look closely.


I sure get a LOT of work done with these two nowadays!

They make it fun at the same time too. :)

Now THIS is money the hard way…!


Todd and Meatball have become buddies.

They share a nest and tend to hang together for the day.  Cute brothers from another mother! ;)


I wore Zoe out…

We were playing with her toys and wrestling until she finally just laid down on my legs so I just laid there until Julie could get a picture.  Cute!

We had so many laughs playing Telephone Sketch at Emily’s birthday party.

These are a couple of the gems we created…!

Meatball is one of the sweetest squirrels we’ve rehabilitated.

He was so small and still a little pink when we got him.  He reminded us of a little ball of meat.  Since we released him, he'd come running to say hi and snuggle any time we'd go out the back door.  Hopefully he's finding a nice tree to settle down and start his own squirrel family now!  



Twenty years later. Remembering and honoring our first responders.

Don't dishonor their sacrifice:
•Respect the police
•Thank a firefighter or EMT
•Help a service member
And DON'T leave the SAME terrorists better weapons than they'll let us have…  

Don't forget. Some already have. 

Where were you on 9/11

What do you remember, how were you impacted…?