
Yesterday was a blustery and cold day.

Made it interesting to be out in it, all day. Crazy that the sun was out shining, and it topped out at a couple degrees, by the late afternoon. -5º, right now...

Johnny’s messing around with filters and bananas, in his graphics arts classes.


In binary, it’s 371° out...!


I’ve been reading this thermometer since I was a child

It's been there, on that post, since I lived here the first time. It tells a chilly tale today... Crazy part, it's supposed to keep falling, until noon or so.

Schools are closed?! Makes me want to say, "When I was a kid..."! ;)

Now THAT is the way a sandwich should be!

We discovered Wich Wich. This is the brunch favorite. Gyro meat and a sunny side up egg! A new fav.

Somebody wrote “HI”, and a smiley, on my window.

I can't get anyone to fess up to it, but it still brightened my day.


The boy and girl, gaining their skating confidence


I scored an organic trifecta... :)

It didn't last long, but was fun while it lasted.

Sam’s makes everything oversized...

Julie has these dry aging, in the fridge... They almost look normal until you realize they're taking up the whole, full size baking sheet! Stay tuned for dinner to come...


Don’t run with scissors, especially ones on your feet!

Andy face-planted while ice skating.

Snowy fields and sunrise, during my travels.

Hard to believe we are at the point of considering colleges for Johnny

Impressive place. You really get a feel for the passion of the teachers, administration and students. Really nice setup. Photography, computer graphics, web and app design, illustration. Lots of aspects to try.

He had a chance to have his portfolio reviewed got some encouraging feedback.

Now, he needs to start taking up a collection for his college fund!

My mom saved this comic for me. So true out here...!

In fact, my dad had a supply of mailboxes, that I found when we moved back in here. I think I may have finally run through them... I might have to start buying my own soon.

I’ve been enjoying having Julie’s dad’s camera

It's fun to capture images, old school, again. I added the perfect kendama sticker, on the lens cover.


Johnny’s getting faster & learning more complex bass lines. A couple samples and different voices.


A beautiful winter morning, from this week.

Julie captured this great picture of a jumping spider taking a drink from a water drop

Notice how his feet make small depressions in the surface of the bubble.

This typifies our cats pretty well...

We all poke fun at Shadow's supposed wicked side and Percy can be routinely seen flopping into this pose, right in your path.


Always nice to return home, at the end of the day!

Julie and I have been pranking each other, with this shark, for many years.

It is likely to attack from just about anywhere. A shoe, coffee mug, sock drawer, or YOUR TOOTHBRUSH... I thought this one was particularly good. Haha.

There are rules to follow:
1. It can't be put somewhere that would cause it to leave the house.
2. If attacked by the shark, you have to hide it, in prep for the counter-attack.
3. You have to hide it somewhere that isn't too obvious, but will still be able to attack someone in the near future...

The attacks sometimes go silent for a couple months, when he finds a particularly good hiding spot. Then sometimes, like this, they are a little more obvious!

Shoveling, at sunset, last weekend.

Remember when I cracked the base of my fingernail?

It has grown out since I smashed it, with a table saw, back in the early October timeframe.


Parthenon spheres!

I'm still messing around with this 3D photography. 

You can click on the link to see what a little stitching and post processing can turn this picture into (or vice versa):

The flattened image, below, represents a 360° rotation and looking from about 30° up to about 80° down. I guess it's kind of an ultra-wide angle. That, in itself, is kind of amazing. About 40 images stitched together, all auto acquired by my drone. 

Then the post processing software automatically turns into into something you can zoom and scroll around to take in the scene as if you were floating with the drone. :)

All with the push of a button, while flying... Crazy!

STILL safe in my living room... ;)

The view this morning. Looks to be about four or five inches?

Andy joining the ranks of the gainfully employed! :)

Me, safely awaiting snow-mageddon...

In our 24-hour news cycle, you HAVE to hype it all up... ;)

A full review of kendama Battle at the Border...

You can see all the pictures with the link below.  Andy and I both had fun with our kendama and I enjoyed some photography too. Best part was the time we spent hanging together!


Breakfast with my boys!

Celebrating Andy's first shift of work, at Subway! 🥳

This pretty well sums up our Christmas break. Hanging with family!

You can see all the fun using the link below.  There's lots of pictures, so settle in.  ;)

The fun, of Battle at the Border, with Andy!



2018-12-23 Barton Christmas Fun


Andy “snowboarding” in the driveway. He’s using a kick-flip board.


I claim all of Bartonia as mine!

Maybe this is where we'd find our roots?! I guess some people believe Jasher to be, at least, historically accurate. It's actually mentioned in Joshua and II Samual too, so it's hard to say.


Sleeping Shadow, swimming seafood. :)

I love this view! You all probably get tired of it…

I love the subtle blue gradient on the horizon also.

More coming?!

I love my country driveway, even if it requires some work… ;-)