
Food and fun at birthday celebrations.

It's nice to have birthday dinner, at what was one of my Dad's (in-law) favorites. We enjoyed the food and laughter.

Way to go wingman! My Nephew got his remote pilot certification, this week!

He will graduate, with his unmanned aerial systems associates degree, this month. Of the nine grandkids, on both sides of my family, he's the only one to have graduated from college... ;)

I guess that's the privilege of being oldest. More to follow?

I think I found where Pepper’s been hiding when she wants to sneak a cat nap...

Tucked away, under some old clothes, in a laundry basket... Silly kitty!


What kind of terrible parents buy their son a bike, for his birthday, when it’s 25ยบ out...?!

He was still happy, as it's long overdue. He just had to have a quick ride, but it made for some numb hands!

Pray breakfast combined with traditional Waffle House birthday breakfast.

We call it Waffa, since that's what the kids called it, as toddlers. It used to be, I'd order an All-Star Breakfast, and they'd pick off my plate to fill up. Now they EACH order one, and I'm lucky to get crumbs! Haha.

Isaac sent me this pic because he thought it would make a cool watch face.

He was right, I made a couple. :)


Enjoying a couple Thanksgivings and celebrating birthdays for Johnny and Dad, over the holiday. ❤️


I love this young man...!

We enjoyed a celebrations spread over the Thanksgiving break and even some of the following week.  You can see the fun of two Thanksgivings and birthday fun if you click on the link below:

Andy and Isaac enjoyed lots of games together, over thanksgiving.

They are kindred spirits, in this regard.

Cool sink with a joystick for the handle...


Does a kitty lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?

It’s officially acceptable to have Christmas lights now! ;)

Thanksgiving is over, now I can get into the Christmas spirit. These are the lights at Austin Landing. They always do a good job of making it look nice, without too many.

Don't forget the reason for the season: celebrating what Jesus did for us by coming to the earth to offer his life for our salvation.

Celebrating another successful year at work.

My company treated my whole family to a really nice meal. It was a thank you for doing well, this year. It's nice to be appreciated. :)


This old book was one of Julie’s dad’s favorites.

I enjoyed sitting down to read it, over the weekend. The UB Publishing building is where many of the photos were taken. Pictured today, on the left, and roughly a hundred years ago, on the right.

The water rose three feet in 45 minutes and topped out at fifteen feet deep in some areas of Dayton!

Check out my version of an e-reader in the lower right... My iPad makes a nice book stand. Haha.

I saw this, off in the distance, while flying.

It looked like some kind of prison, or something, then I realized it was just a softball field complex, at the park. Cool looking. I panned far enough, to the side, that I could see my landing strut. Haha.

Fun and games over the long weekend.

Two Thanksgivings, two birthdays. A good time. Johnny enjoyed playing his bass for/with his cousins. We all enjoyed board games, group games, and just family time.


It was a CLOSE game... Kind of like last week...

Keeping my fingers crossed tomorrow...!

“The hyena ate your baby”... Only my mother in-law...! ❤️

The making of a Buckeye fan...

I had my tendencies, but he sure brought out the rabid fandom in both of us!
Julie found this picture, of Steve and I, while we were sitting around reliving thanksgiving memories tonight. There aren't many, with both of us in them, and this one typifies our relationship perfectly! His birthday is over thanksgiving too, so that makes it a hard week.

Finding it made for tears and laughter today.

The boys playing a little football, with their church friends, yesterday.


It’s nice to have had some rain to fill the pond back up.

We've had a some pretty days, for a walk, lately.

Julie’s math notes!

She and the boys seem to be enjoying geometry quite a bit more than algebra...!


We got to go see Joslyn sing a duet, at her church’s thanksgiving service, last night.


Thankful for God’s work in our lives, even when it isn’t an easy year...

It doesn't necessarily make it any easier, especially to see other people thankful for last minute saves to their lives, or turnarounds in their health. It doesn't put a big smile on our faces or hearts either. But we do rest in the Lord's plan, find comfort in our walk, and look forward to what the Lord is doing, and our ultimate reunions.

That's what I'm thankful for, this year.

Time out with friends

Dinner at Freddy's



With all the ice, winter feels closer than we might want... ;)

It’s nice to be appreciated by your company.

They are always sending out little goodies at various holidays, and random time, to say thanks.

One last picture from fall...

I think winter is fast approaching...

Sometimes, the best drone pics, are from the ground. ;)

I flew around Waynesville, from the nearby water tower, last weekend.  You can see the pics, from the link below:


What a crazy football weekend...! The Buckeyes survive.

Defense is feeling the strain of no Bosa...

Celebrating my sister’s birthday!

I sure love my sisters. It's fun to get together, enjoy time with my niece, nephews, plus ones, and laugh! She taught us a new game, Bunco. Fast, fun, and crazy.

How can I have a little sister that's 45!? Time sure flies.

The ice, at night. I liked the way the cars caused it to light up.

A flight down to the little village of Waynesville

The ice from this week...


What a game of field position.

Five in a row starting position for Michigan State: 2, 3, 6, 5, and 1...!

What a grinder of a game, last weekend.