
Turn up the speakers and listen to THIS. My favorite song!!!

I dare you to not get emotional! Perfect for this weekend.

My favorite part(2:46):
Now the daylight flees
Now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two,
Dead are raised to life,
"Finished!" the victory cry.
Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death
Life is mine to live,

I had to cleanse my soul and brain, after being in Vegas...! ;)

Just a random Vegas hotel awning, during our group scavenger hunt

Quite a different look and feel, at night.

The view of the strip, from my room, at night.


Thank you, Lord...

With the corner window, you kind of felt like you were floating over the city...

It was cool to stand there and watch the scene change from sunrise to sunset, throughout the day.

Not a bad view, for a hotel room.

I liked the mountains more than The Strip. ;)


A required stop when out west!

Do not pass go! That's our hotel in the background. Tallest building, to the right of the sign.


Isaac managed to capture this shot. Pretty awesome.

I've tried similar composition before, but they never came out as good as I wanted. His did!


Christopher’s latest Metal Earth!

A twelve inch long battleship. The USS Missouri.


I like stumbling across the boy’s doodles, in their notes.

Here, Johnny logs an entry about moles and Avogadro's number. I think the "NO!" means, NOT the mole you're thinking of! Haha.


Andy enjoys spreading Kendama

This little guy eventually spiked it and there were cheers all around. Andy wouldn't leave until the youngster was successful. :)

Spring has sprung...?



Between the two of them, I forever have a cat in my lap. :)


This view can only mean one thing... Graeter’s!

The boys actually drew a crowd with their yo-yo and Kendama tricks. I even managed to get a compliment for lacing a few tricks. Haha.

Fun times hanging out!


Andy and Emily got to hang out, at the skate park, yesterday.

Andy seems to have conquered the drop-in. He's having fun learning new tricks as he progresses. It's cool that he just decides to pick up a new skill, and then does. ;)

Isaac and I have been talking about the blue hour.

He made good use of it, in this photo. It makes a great backdrop. Awesome lighting for this picture of Old Glory.

The generation gap! Haha.

Us parents watching our skaters.


Andy’s learned to drop in


Columbus Clouds

Work hard, play hard, move fast. After two days jam packed with meetings, my colleague (visiting from Boston) and I found a little time to fly over the city and live up to the second part our company's motto. :)

Now I’ve had my first Grape Nehi!

This is one of the sodas we picked out at Grandpa Joe's Candy Shop. Really good. I've always loved a good grape soda. I'll be looking for more of these! Fun times with my boys!


Fun with physics...


Sooo many creative kids, in our families!

Zach decided to repaint his air-soft mask. I love the hand print.

Geometric Sunset

If you don't care for sunrises or sunsets, you're following the wrong blog! ;)


Andy is working on more shelves for his room

This time he's doing the work and I'm the assistant.

It was a fun and challenging course, this week...

Let's just say the boys handled it better than I did...

Emily took this picture she calls Snow Shadow!


What day is it?!

Pi day, of course!

Oh how the mighty fall... Both of the boys beat me handily, last night!

It was a tough course (no ambient light, moving targets, magazine changes), but that's no excuse! Haha.
Scores listed in the order: Me, Andy, Johnny

Walking through Waynesville, after breakfast with my boys.


Fun with mice🐁:)


The boys have been having fun with digital coloring.

They have been using pictures they've taken (Andy-flowers) or from their games (Johnny-warrior), and pixelating them for coloring using an app. A different approach to art and photography.



Sunset juggling

I liked the way I stopped the ball in the middle of the sunset.

I’ve been pinned down by Shadow.

"But, I have a kitty" is the excuse to get out of a lot of work, at our house... :)


Good morning!

I'm Happy to have sprung forward, last night. I much prefer the daylight after work!

They ended the day with a little creative jugging

I took the boys to the skate park, yesterday

They decided they needed some practice. Andy's actually figuring out the bowls. They only came back with a few scrapes, and bumps. I had to drag them away, after four hours...! Good clean boy fun.


Trying to get a little better at FPV (first person view) flying with my Mavic Pro


New Concord, Ohio house

This house had too many cool aspects. I couldn't pass up taking a shot. The roof line, the porch posts, the siding... All interesting.

Greetings from New Concord, Ohio

I stopped there, for lunch, a few days ago. Took a little stroll with my spare time.


Andy went to get some eggs, from the neighbors. He was greeted by all the chickens BURSTING out of


The boys really enjoy helping in Awana.

"Johnny’s only love"

One of Johnny's charges, Emily, wanted to sign his shirt. I guess that's flattering, form a seven year old. :)

Ohio has it all...!

We found this while looking for our craft sodas. I couldn't resist. Even better, it was strawberry flavored. Win, Win.

We all love Andy’s doodles and stick figures!

This one's from his science notes. They were studying what makes elements radioactive.

I love the bomb in the back of the pickup truck and the readout from the radar gun. Haha!


Kind of a gross day.

I'll log about 325 miles, today. It's starting kind of slow. Funny thing, I have seen four accidents. Three of them involved Mustangs. Moral of the story, horses don't make good cars. ;)

Where’s Shadow!?

We’ve started letting the boys walk down to the church parking lot, together. Brotherly fun…

I flew down to see the boy’s skating.



It was sure a beautiful weekend.

The sun was out!. It was a little chilly, but I will take sunny and cool, over cold, rain, or gray, any day.

I got a chance to take some pictures at my friend's farm, he tends. We were curious how the river looked after all the rain. It has gone down quite a bit. But it still made for some nice scenes.

His new shoes make him float...?

That's what happens when you carry your own chair with you...

The boys and I went shopping for shoes and a few pairs of pants, this week. I guess Andy got tired of me having Johnny try everything on? He decided to sit for a spell.

They like their new shoes. They're easy to shop with. They aren't picky and we agreed on practical and economical choices. Makes it fun.

I can remember dad taking us on shoe shopping trips, at the mall. Once we found our new shoes, we didn't want to take them off, even to sleep. I think the boys felt the same way, this week. :)


Flew over the river, on my friends property, this weekend.

I liked the way the sun was glinting off the ripples. It has been high for the last week or two!

It’s not ALL work, at work.

For our team's performance in February, we were awarded the option to select a variety of our favorite beverages within a budget. Of course, the boys and I headed to Grandpa's Candy and Soda shop and came back with quite a collection! We'll string these out for quite a few weeks to come.! ;)