
Home is where the sunset is...

These stuffed animals are adorable!

And the boys are studying networking and the Internet of Things...


Andy's brick took a large jump in size this week...

He assimilated one of his competitor's. Capitalism at work!



I came home to find John molding his own fingerboard decks

He's drawing inspiration from his cousins attempts. He's even got a "drip catcher" for errant glue. :)


This is The life!

Thank you Lord for your blessings...!

Playing games with Johnny

He's found this simple card game, but it actually has some pretty fun and interesting strategy...  I am sure he will win a lot! ;)

At least I am a novice engineer!

Good Friday. Full house

As we closed with "The Power of the Cross", We get just a glimpse of what it will be like to sing, with the ten thousands of heavenly hosts, "Thank you for the cross"!

This old Ford truck pulled up next to me at the street

Check out the reflection, I'm looking back at myself.



Happy birthday young man!

It's always fun to celebrate with you!
The boys all contributed to the cake decorations.

Isaac got all MY presents last night! ;)

We have similar taste in bags, para-cord, drones, and candy!


Awesome, I've always wanted some!

And then there was light...

...FREEDOM was rising

So darkness made its attempts 

To attack the light

But I have news for darkness:

It shoulda killed you

When it had a chance

You are the resistance

If you're alive and you're breathing today

Your calling is that the world will take notice

That He lives inside of you

It's His Word it's been hidden 

In your heart since the beginning

It's time to finish the race

That was started so long ago

Do you hear the chants?

It's the sound of heaven

Screaming your name

Let us run with endurance, The race 

That has been marked out for us

Keep your eyes on Jesus 

the champion Of the world

Can you hear it?

Freedom Is rising! 

"Rebuild" Lyrics by Worth Dying For, from the album Live Riot

A drone "selfie"

All warm and cuddly!


I re-entered the world of drones.

I've been saving up for a really good one. I decided I better get in practice first, so I bought this toy. It's a good thing... I also Had to replace my clutch this week. No more drone fund! ;)
This one will do for a while.

Andy's babies are growing!

You almost couldn't see them when they were born. Now look how "big" they are!


Name tag brick bonus!

Andy has been "collecting" name tags from church. Last night, the printers were "glitching out", as he put it. What a score.

That's his "name tag brick" under his left arm.


New options at Roosters

We celebrated my mother in-law's birthday this weekend. Of course, I had to try the nuclear option! ;)