
Tested positive for Flu-A yesterday...

This is what it looks like to my activity tracker. Zero exercise, only burnt 77 calories, etc. Pretty bad when you only get four hours credit for even standing and those were from getting up to ride in the car to the doctor and pharmacy... I'm surprised how much better I'm feeling today. Have to love modern medicine!




Fun with light painting!

The boys and I took a quick trip outside, last night, to try some long exposures...

This is the worst cake I have ever seen!

Only half of us could even bear to eat it... My mom loves her cat, but this is going TOO far! :)


Johnny, and his troop, getting their awards from Andy

I like to see my kids working in Awana. They make my heart happy!


Inconceivable! :)

I am the pet whisperer! Haha

It's hard to see Shadow, but I have two cats and one dog in my lap!n. They all crawl up on me.

Snug as a bug in a rug!

Cute little tail sticking out. :)

Johnny 1; David 0...!

Don't try to best your teenager in a game of tickle run!



"I got it!"

Andy pulled his last tooth, at dinner. Haha.
