
Perfect end to a good day!

All ready for our fun, this weekend!


I won!

Of course, Andy was playing one of his lesser decks... I think they felt sorry for me. :)



"Is that your dad's?"

"No, it's mom; I mean moms, plural; no - not plural, possessive". 

Some of the English lessons might be starting to sink in...

Julie's bugs are just crazy cool!

God's amazing creation!

That explains a lot, doesn't it...?

Check out what's really in the wrapper of a breakfast sandwich...  And you wondered why they don't taste as good as the menu board pictures look...?!

Enough with the sunrises. How about a Moonset? ;)

Another cousin!

Shadow just loves SOMETHING about freshly folded laundry!

That's an extreme approach to disliking ironing!

I found this in the office at church. Haha
