
We're refreshing our memories...

Gotta be ready for our family date on Thursday. :)


Shadow found shelter in the kindling bag in the wood box.

She blends in so well, we can't hardly see her in there.

What a tiny little iPad I have...!

This is not good. ;) Julie's is in the foreground, mine's the one on the right. She's enjoying watching me "suffer". Haha.


Shadow adopted Johnny today.


Another shot of Shadow

Puppy love...

Don't let David fool you--He clearly LOVES Brutie!

We officially added a cat to our back porch. Meet Shadow.

She follows him everywhere he goes, outside. She just waits for him by the back door when he's inside.


I'm sitting on my back porch working on our family Bible study and I'm a little warm...!?
Well, Merry Christmas anyhow. :)


Great pictures of the boys goofing around with Brutus!

This crazy dog lets them do anything to him and never seems to get the least bit worried...!


An almost eerie glow this morning.

The cloud covered sunrise cast a lavender hue over the whole sky for a few minutes.

Julie finished decorating this year's tree.

Check out the "enormitree" of it! It's wider than I am tall!


I figured I'd put some old computers to good use...

The boys were very interested in them. They're disassembling them piece by piece and figuring out what each piece does.

I bought a new timer so I stepped Johnny through fixing it himself.

"There dad, I fixed it!"

The spring, on the fan timer, gave out. Andy noticed this and came up with a quick fix that actually worked pretty well. :)