
There's no place like home...!

My Mom made this for me when I was an infant. It was always full on Christmas morning and I eagerly awaited discovering it's contents! I didn't have the heart to take it when I moved out, but Mom decided it was time I had it back, this year. :)

Christmas memories.

Christmas memories. by FlickPics88
Christmas memories., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

The stable made by Julie's dad, the figurines and Santa made by her mom, and the ornaments from my Grandparent's tree (which are some of the same ones that were on our trees, growing up).



An honor bestowed

An honor bestowed by FlickPics88
An honor bestowed, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

I (Julie) have been given the honor of having two of Andy's very favorite stuffies as my companions today. :o)