
Slo-mo fire

Fireplace time!

Fireplace time! by FlickPics88
Fireplace time!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

I love you mom!

I love you mom! by FlickPics88
I love you mom!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Thanks! As I sit here enjoying Johnny's birthday fire, I am thankful for just how blessed I am! ;)

What great kids!

What great kids! by FlickPics88
What great kids!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.


A little celebratory dinner at Bonefish, last night!

It would have been pretty hard to take he back porch with us...!

We each got to take turns winching the playset on to the trailer so we could take it back to Waynesville. That's the third time we've moved this thing!

Johnny's new thing is to leave us notes around the house.

This one was on the outside of the back door when I came home from work. ;)

One iPad is never enough...

He's looking up hints for a game on one and playing the game on the other!

I remember going to see a sneak preview of this with Johnny.

It was one of our many Johnny/Daddy dates.

Johnny used to carry this little card around when he was a toddler.

He thought it was soooo adorable that the bear loved his heart so much.

Take this lesson from your father, never forget that your hauling a trailer...!

Or if you do, be lucky enough to have a spare one lying around. Haha



Goodbyes... by FlickPics88
Goodbyes..., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Thank you Lord for your many blessings and the family we've started here.


You ran-o some mom!

You ran-o some mom! by FlickPics88
You ran-o some mom!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Love notes from Johnny


My new, old garage is feeling quite at home at the moment...!

Meet the two sides of Sammy!

Andy's newest pet. A Brazilian pink salmon bird-eater. She's only about 2" across, for now.

I think I might have worn him out...?!

Now you see him, Presto, now you don't!

This little guy rode to Beavercreek, with us, in the trailer. The boys named him presto because that's just how fast he would appear then disappear. Haha

Andy looks like a superhero or something!

"Hey wait, let me read this to you!"

A new twist, him reading to me! :)


Awesome hand smoked pulled pork sandwich and fries! Texas Style!

A look at Albuquerque

A look at Albuquerque by FlickPics88
A look at Albuquerque, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Shirt and tie room service? Haha

A trip out West is only successful, IF...!

...You eat at and get a white In-n-Out tshirt!

Fall with a palm tree twist (over the tree on the left)

On the way out this week... A nice way to start.

I spent the night in 4 different time zones during my 5 day trip around the US. 4 of those days I was up at 2am and never went to bed before 10pm. It's been a long week and I still have some work to get done before Monday! I'm already only a few hours short of two weeks of work this week. I covered a loop from the Northwest to the Southwest. Now, I'm glad to be back on good ole EST.

Good news is, I put the new gate to gate gadget rules to full use and managed to get a lot done in the air.

Now I need to think about getting some work on the house in there somewhere.


The elusive black squirrel...

It looks like a shadow running around looking for the squirrel who's supposed to be casting it! Creepy.


Andy has been up to some mischief with the shark.

We pass this around the family, hiding it where it "attacks" each other.

He colors were great this weekend.

We are just about ready to turn this place over to the next family... God willing.


Today was Andy's turn ;)

Today was Andy's turn ;) by FlickPics88
Today was Andy's turn ;), a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Roosters after church. Spider tank prep. Then Skyline. An Andy daddy date!

This is the species Andy just ordered...!

Just add spider...!

Just add spider...! by FlickPics88
Just add spider...!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Andy's all ready. He saved up and bought everything he needed. The tank was the first big one (a 30 gallon) I had when I lived in the same room. :) The stand was a gift from Andy's great grandma Morey to me.

We're hoping all this will be big enough for his spider when it grows up... ...?

Andy learned a valuable lesson this week...!

If you try and drill a hole with a pocket knife, it will fold closed on you (and unexpectedly cleave your finger too)! Fortunately, his nail slowed it down. A little glue and advice from the doctor and he is no worse for the wear. God is watching over us. :)