
It sure has been a long time since I got to use this! It was still as good as ever.

When you need something done right, use film!

It's a split decision.

It's a split decision. by FlickPics88
It's a split decision., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

I took votes on which was better. I got a 50/50 result, so I decided to post this one too.

Two Boys

Two Boys

One bright day,
In the middle of the night,
Two dead boys
Got up to fight.

Back to back,
they faced each other,
Drew their swords,
and shot each other

A deaf policeman
Heard the noise,
And came and shot
Those two dead boys.

If you do not believe
this lie is true,
Ask the blind man
who saw it too.

-Folk Rhyme


Before, during and after.

Before, during and after. by FlickPics88
Before, during and after., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Besides the fact that it's a different door, anyone notice the critical difference between the old one and the new one...?! Turned out to be a bigger project than expected, but in a happily lucky way.

Trying again...

Trying again... by FlickPics88
Trying again..., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Just a drop in the bucket....

Just a phone camera too, no flash. 

A two headed dog!

A two headed dog! by FlickPics88
A two headed dog!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Storm door

Storm door by FlickPics88
Storm door, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

I was finally home when there was enough light to take a picture of it!


Would you climb down the outside of this building?

That tiny black spot on the very top of the tallest gray building is my boss doing just that!

There's a piece of kibble stick under his bowl


Something about water...

Something about water... by FlickPics88
Something about water..., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

It just begs to be photographed... And hit into. Haha

Four people on my business development team, highs in the 70s, seems like a perfect day for a little team building...?!

B-17 flight experience

B-17 Bomber ride Lunken Airport Cincinnati
This is a 15 minute movie made up of videos and stills of my ride last Friday. This is a joint effort of my friend and I that went together. It was a pretty cool ride and I could not stop smiling. There are additional photos after the credits.


Another door up. :)

Another door up. :) by FlickPics88
Another door up. :), a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Before and after. Now to figure out the storm door.

Before (kind of, IDE already taken it off the hinges) and after.

Now I can say I've installed an entry door... ;)

This was a good one to practice on.

Something dug up and are what remained of our yellow jacket nest.

I'm starting to figure out why God gave them stingers. That's the second nest that's been ravaged within says of me incapacitating them. I think some predator animal likes what they store in the nests but is constantly deterred by the adult's stings. As soon as the stingers are gone, it's an open buffet of food stores and larva. I'm just guessing, but that seems to be what's happening? Interesting.

All four boys worked all day on their survival fort :)

There are monsters under the bed after all...!


First day of school - 2013

Wow, 5th and 6th grade. Where does the time go?! Some new and some nostalgia here. ;)


Treadmill and turbo-fan!

Treadmill and turbo-fan! by FlickPics88
Treadmill and turbo-fan!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

It's a WHOLE/house fan my grandfather rigged up in a box.