
Quite an entry way!

Quite an entry way! by FlickPics88
Quite an entry way!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.


Burning off 40 year-old chemicals

He is one cool customer!

He is one cool customer! by FlickPics88
He is one cool customer!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

The garage!

The garage! by FlickPics88
The garage!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

One last run?

One last run? by FlickPics88
One last run?, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

We pulled the old tractor (1950) out, yesterday. I worked on it for quite a while. We pulled it around trying to jump start it, but it just won't go without a lot of TLC. Johnny had a blast driving for the tow. Brought back a lot of memories!

I'm hoping I can find someone to give it the TLC it needs.


Mouths by FlickPics88
Mouths, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Washington Correspondent, Jamie Dupree.
Consumer Warrior Clark Howard
Andy Dean
Neal Boortz


Meeting of the Mouths

Meeting of the Mouths by FlickPics88
Meeting of the Mouths, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Larry Hansgen
Washington Correspondent Jamie Dupree.
Consumer Warrior Clark Howard
Andy Dean
Neal Boortz

The steel is rising at work!


The slab is being poured at work today.

140 yards per hour. Four cement trucks pumping at a time. Eight on site at any given moment. Every concrete company within 80 miles is making cement for us, today.

And THAT is why you buy good lenses...

Metal filter, good quality tail cap, screw in metal lens cover. ...So that WHEN your lens bounces end over end across the road IT is no worse for the wear!

I can't say the same for the clear filter, but that's only a $20 problem.