
Here is where our construction pictures are posted

IMG_5370 by FlickPics88
IMG_5370, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

You can see the pictures of the work we are undertaking to more than double our square footage.

I have posted them here:

I will continue to post any new ones here, so check back whenever you get a chance, if you are interested.

Just Dandy

Just Dandy by FlickPics88
Just Dandy, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Progress, but a long way to go

I am standing on a 30 foot pile of top soil. Our building is on the right. The neighbors are on the left (red brick building with horizontal white lines). We are working on building our property up to the lower of those white lines... That's a lot of dirt to add! The slab of our building will extend straight out of where it currently ends (from the right side of the picture, towards the left). I am facing basically North in this picture.

More work at work


Johnny shows off his form

Johnny shows off his form by FlickPics88
Johnny shows off his form, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Andy's dive

Andy's dive by FlickPics88
Andy's dive, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

I beg your pardon,

I beg your pardon, by FlickPics88
I beg your pardon,, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

But Julie never promised me a rose garden. However, an herb garden will do! ;)

The dirt is moving at work!

Fast Robot

Things are moving fast at work...!

We authorized the project to start on Friday. On Tuesday, the buldozer showed up and by this morning we had a hundred loads of dirt on site and counting...


Another year of pool time begins!


VBS! by FlickPics88
VBS!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Everyone is invited... :)


Catalpa blooms

Catalpa blooms by FlickPics88
Catalpa blooms, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

We planted a tree for each of the boys when they were born. This is Johnny's in full bloom!

Puttin' 'em to work

Puttin' 'em to work by FlickPics88
Puttin' 'em to work, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

And they're even accomplishing something!

Andy is building "domino falls", as he calls them

Andy's turn!

Andy's turn! by FlickPics88
Andy's turn!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

King of all he sees. We're snaking a drain pipe. Vent pipe, more accurately.

Andy's newest pet

Andy's newest pet by FlickPics88
Andy's newest pet, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

He and I caught it during our canoe trip today. It finished the river ride in a Cheetos bag and survived a smashing capsize! :)

It's skyline time!

It's skyline time! by FlickPics88
It's skyline time!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.



Games! by FlickPics88
Games!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Johnny rests his bat-like reflexes for a moment...

Domino "Go Fish" made up by Andy.

Pretty fun, actually. But he's killing me!

The boys threw me a surprise chips and salsa party tonight!

They know the way to MY heart!

A twofer, tonight.

A twofer, tonight. by FlickPics88
A twofer, tonight., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

One rusty nail, two puncture wounds. One in each right foot. Boosters, here we come.

Johnny runs in the house saying he stepped on a nail. Julie's cleaning it out and in comes Andy parroting Johnny. Go figure.

The offending nail has been executed...! ;)


Too much fun in one place!

Two proud boys

Two proud boys by FlickPics88
Two proud boys, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

And two proud parents. :)

Awana awards night

Awana awards night by FlickPics88
Awana awards night, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

There are all the Barton boys in T&T and Emmy gets her second book award in Sparks. :)

Christopher was an LIT too! All present and accounted for!

Andy made a plane he calls the "Wright Brother"

It's too balsa planes from the show SWAG I brought back. Cute.

You know you are in the 21st century when...

... you are on a flight and the flight attendant tells the 80+ year old man in front of you, "Sir, you have to turn your book off for landing".

What do you say to and eel that you like?

It's a moray! Haha. A David original.

I prefer the old architecture, myself!

You can see the pics from my trip to Philly by using the following link:



Yum! by FlickPics88
Yum!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

A healthy start for the day ;)


Andy calls this "The Spiderman"! :)

Kid's game night at church

"This is cool, I can see everything from up here!"

Johnny found a HUGE tomato!

No bigger than the end of his finger.

Now we've added peppers and petunias to the mix

Guess who picked what?!

The boys are cultivating their green thumbs

Julie is buying some herbs for her garden and the boys each decided to pick out a plant to care for. Andy on the right, "because it's soooo soft!". Johnny on the left, "I like this seaweedy thing".

Well, I guess it's about healed up?

The hump is gone. That's good. What is unexpected is that my incision isn't centered over my spine any longer. It's about an inch off to the side.


Shoot (with) Your Boss Day!

We hosted a little get together at the local sportsman's club last night. There was a little competition and a smile on every face!


Look at all those dog bones

And a cool light painting car that he bought with his tickets!