

Awwwww, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.


Some advice...

> I have some advice for you... If you are arguing with Julie about an opinion, be careful, she can always pull this one on you...
> "I absolutely state with affirmation...".
> That's almost as good as her sister's "If you don't agree with me, it's just because you don't understand."
> Ha Ha!



Ouch!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Stafford's flies "Don't Tread on Me

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Touch!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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The frog seems happy

The frog seems happy, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

And lightning fast at gulping crickets!
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For all you nay sayers...

For all you nay sayers..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

...who thought I couldn't finish this project in less time than my last one. At least I'm improving. On to the laundry room, tomorrow...
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Noon in june...

Noon in june..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Invasion of the silly bands

Invasion of the silly bands, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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"Do I have two bums?"

"Do I have two bums?", originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Walkin back home...

Walkin back home..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Today is all about man snacks!

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Shady spot for city kids! Haha

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A Father's break

A Father's break, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

On a walk to our favorite shade. :)
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We captured another pet!

We captured another pet!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Frogzilla's new home

Frogzilla's new home, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I even gave him a carpet of moss that was growing on the roof of our shed. :-)
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Chat with Julie Barton on 6/14/2010

This is what you get when talking with Julie!  I sure lover her spunk.  She needs it to be married to me! ;)

David Barton, Julie Barton

David: Don't look at me like that!
Julie: I'm feeling superior to you right now. That's how I look when I'm feeling superior to you.
David: Don't you try to stand taller than me!
Julie: I am taller than you on the inside!

The Clear Blue

The Clear Blue, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Happy Father's Day to ME!

Happy Father's Day to ME!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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And God said, "let there be beauty"

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Does anyone wonder why the Federal Government is suing a state?!


"Hillary Clinton Says White House Will Sue Over Arizona Immigration Law."

Will it ever end!?

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Last month, 1% of people said disaster response was their number one concern. Today, it's 18%. If you are swayed that easily by one oil spill, then it is no wonder the government keeps us in a state of fear. They get whatever they want!

This scares me!

If it doesn't scare you, then just ask anyone from China how having the government control the Internet has worked for them and their ability to get accurate reports of the news...
Bill could allow government to turn off the Internet in an emergency
Jun. 17, 2010 (4:37 pm) By: Brian Osborne

You’ve heard about the the infamous “red button” that symbolizes the authorization to launch nuclear missiles. Now Joe Lieberman wants to give the President another weapon to use in the event of a national security crisis. He wants to give the President a “kill switch” for the Internet in case of a cyber attack or other Internet-based national emergency.

ZDNet is reporting that the new Presidential authority is contained within a proposed Senate bill which Lieberman is the primary sponsor of. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be as easy as flipping a switch as the term implies. It simply refers to the legal ability for the President to issue emergency measures or actions that broadband providers, search engines and software firms would have to comply with.

Lieberman, an independent senator, currently chairs the Senate’s Homeland Security committee which is one of the reasons he is a primary sponsor of the legislation. In addition to granting the President broad emergency powers, the legislation would also create a new bureaucracy called the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC) which would reside within Homeland Security. The NCCC would have at least two deputy directors and liason officers to the Defense Department, Justice Department, Commerce Department as well as the Director of National Intelligence. The bill would also create a new White House Office of Cyberspace Policy to lead federal cybersecurity initiatives.

Lieberman has some support in the House of Representative thanks to Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif, who promised to introduce the Senate bill to the House this week. Harman serves as the Intelligence Subcommittee Chairwoman and was joined in her sponsorship of the bill by Peter Kine, R-N.Y., the committee’s Ranking Member and Cyber Subcommittee Chairwoman Yvette Clarke.

Read more at ZDNet and the press release.

Brian’s Opinion

I understand the need for coordinated efforts to be initiated by the government during a cyber-attack on the nation’s infrastructure. Yet, the power that we are looking to grant to the government and the President in the event of an emergency is breathtaking. Also, the further expansion of government through the creation of new bureaucracies should give every American some pause.

Another concern is what the cost of such an initiative would be. Last time I checked, the government’s net worth is in the negative with no plan to pay down debt anytime soon. Is this yet one more initiative that we should simply add to the government’s debt pile because it is important?

Though I’m not completely on board with the powers granted in this bill, I would feel better with its passage if something was cut to account for any additional spending which would be created. If that doesn’t happen it simply adds to the current emergency which is a Congress that is out of control when it comes to spending tax dollars.

Read more: http://www.geek.com/articles/news/bill-could-allow-government-to-turn-off-the-internet-in-an-emergency-20100617/#ixzz0r99fplRH

The situation is under control...

"This situation has reached the highest levels of our organization. The situation is under control. The people of Miamisburg can rest assured that we have the best man overseeing the clean up..."

"...of 5 kittens in a box."
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Don't worry...

Don't worry..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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We captured 5 kittens at work today...

The local restaurant offered to take them for free!
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VBS 2010

VBS 2010, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

All Aboard!
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Early breakfast buddy.

Early breakfast buddy., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We're watching a storm together too. :)
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A helper!

A helper!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Face down in a bucket of animals!

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Our new pet...?

Our new pet...?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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You never know what summer will bring?

Anything from climbing in the trees to Beanie picnics. Complete with Lincoln log hot dogs served on door and window platters... :)
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Swedish fish!

Swedish fish!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Close Dragon

Guess what, I found some more pictures I had been neglecting...
Click below. It's only 26 this time...

Warning...! This house protected by an attack spider!

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Andy loves his little race car key-chain game.

Man, he looks like he's growing up!
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Mighty Hunters

Mighty Hunters, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Andy has the BEST upside down hair!

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Horton is casting puppet shadows on the wall behind him...

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PGA Golf Anyone?

These are my shots from the Memorial Tournament the other day. This was the skins game, so there were only 10 players. You'll see about 10 of each... :)
Click the link below to see them all.

2010-06-02 09-56-21, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Poison Apple...

Poison Apple..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

-Apple kills Flash...


Andy having a good ole time with Grammy B.

Later, Grampy got him laughing so hard he couldn't stand it!
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