
Now that's the way a dessert should be!

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Oh-no, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Now they'll want more pets!
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Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is what greeted my kids for dinner today. Susan is so fun!
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Uh-oh..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

They've put a camera store right by my house!
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One bad dude!

One bad dude!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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If you see this on you...

If you see this on you..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

..run! It means Johnny has you in his LASER sights and he can inflict 3 clips for a total of 18 rounds of Nerf pain!
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Holy Cow!

Holy Cow!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny got this gun from his cousins. Needless to say, he is armed to the hilt. It's complete with an adjustable range site, flashlight, laser sight, spare clips, secret storage, and removable stock! Watch out now!
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Cody's new bed

Cody's new bed, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

My Sister in-law's son, Cody has a new bed. It was his Mom's and his Grampy re-did it for them! I supplied the muscle to cram it down the hall!
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WHOA!!!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This was what Johnny screamed one second after opening his Nerf gun from his Carolina cousins!
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What happens when you put 78 candles on an 8 inch cake?

..I don't know, but this is the result of blowing out 65 at once. He had to have two Grandsons to help get it out!
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Happy Birthday to Johnny

Happy Birthday to Johnny, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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If it's quiet...

If it's quiet..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

..you know there's trouble. I hadn't heard the boys for a while. When I hunted them down, I found them making patterns with these bingo markers from school... :)
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Free Balloons!

Free Balloons!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys got free left over balloons at Kroger.

Lots of Legos!

Lots of Legos!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Too much food!

Too much food!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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All snuggled down

All snuggled down, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Big Boy Now

Big Boy Now, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Hopefully this is the only girl in Johnny's bed for about 20 years! Happy birthday for Johnny. His bed has made it's last transformation, to a big boy bed.
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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We caught up with Grampy to give him his cards!
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A feather cloud

A feather cloud, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy says this is a feather cloud.
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A hat from his friend

A hat from his friend, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Special Birthday Waffle

Special Birthday Waffle, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The tradition continues! This is Johnny's face when he realized he was getting a "special" waffle for breakfast! :)
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Birthday boy calls birthday boy.

They had to wish each other mutual Happy Birthdays! :)
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THE Mound

THE Mound, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I had to go to the mound research lab today to have some laser testing today. I wonder it the Indians thought one day, that their mound would be one of Two?
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First Buck

Well, I got my first order today at my new job! It's a whopper too, with some additional good potential down the road. It feels good to grab this much business in just over two months. It's a lead from the show I went to during my second week.

Now I just have to keep it up! Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the blessings God provides in spite of the economic uncertainties.

Boss Builder

Boss Builder, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

"Dad, I'm the finest boss builder".


Now to the task at hand

Now to the task at hand, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We have hand turkeys, pet turkeys, tables, ovens, land, waves, boats and people. Pretty good so far! :)
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Kid creativity

Kid creativity, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I put up a card table so we could color some decorations for our Thanksgiving lunch at work tomorrow. The boys grabbed their marker and a little ball and invented a two player version of pinball combined with table tennis...!

They're keeping score have been at it for quite a while. At the moment they are discussing the specifics of what a "point" is... It changes as it evolves.
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Andy's got glasses now.

Andy's got glasses now., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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I can bee him

I can bee him, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy's Sunday School lesson, "God is powerful, I can serve him"

Andy's take on the Sunday School lesson, "God is powerful, I can bee him.

For some reason, Gramy had an issue with this.
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Give up?

Give up?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys have given up on the Buckeyes today... Legos offer more draw.
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Um, a little help here

Um, a little help here, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny and Andy were overcome by their stuff when attempting to clean their room! :)
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Go Bucks!

Go Bucks!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy shows his colors today!

Hut, Hut, Hike

Hut, Hut, Hike, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Can you tell that we're watching football today?!

Go Bucks!

Well good news, the first interception by Mich was denied ANY points, or even yardage for that matter.
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Leaf Man

Leaf Man, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny got a new coat tonight. He LOVES it!

An even better view

An even better view, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

He's almost invisible.


Ewwwwwww, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

That is one nasty touch screen... You know it's bad when it's the latest tech and EVEN I don't want it... ;)
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Just a cool pic

Just a cool pic, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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I have a hot lunch date!

I have a hot lunch date!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Never be the same

Never be the same, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny has learned about negative numbers by playing with the calculator. Now he's never gonna know how to do math
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What a Mom!

What a Mom!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I come home to find Julie, headfirst in a Lego bucket, making penguins for the boys. It must be what they wanted because they were squealing with delight to tell me when I walked in! :)
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Snuggle Pup

Snuggle Pup, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny is cute, snuggling his puppy in bed this morning. :)
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Red Beans and Rice

Red Beans and Rice, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We're snuggling the boys while watching a Good Eats episode on an American Classic.
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Fun!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Julie is getting her hair cut so the boys are enraptured by "Shark Tale". They didn't even have time to both get their jackets off. :)
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Leaves entombed

Leaves entombed, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is what I woke up to this morning. Thankfully, the sun melted it away quickly, but the leaf stems are all sticking up through it at the moment.
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An army of puppies

An army of puppies, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Earlier, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The snow is getting earlier and earlier these days...
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A monkey in the works

Fw: Emailing: DSC_0356.jpg, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

So, I am over at my in-laws and am snaking out their clogged sewer. While I'm up to my armpits in it, up pops this little monkey through the wall... I find out that my mother in-law is on the other side fishing him up there with a pair of tongs... Luckily, we cleared the clog AND had a good laugh...

Johnny makes a plane

Johnny makes a plane, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Latest Upload


Here are my latest pictures from around the end of October. Only 61 this time so I guess I took it easy on you. There are some good ones, though.