
Happiness is a warm puppy!

Breakfast coneys!

Who would have thought they would be so good.  Sausage instead of a hotdog, and laid on an egg in the bun.  Yum!  

As a bonus, John and Savannah treated me to a surprise dinner at Elsa's too!  They all know the way to my heart for sure.  I love my family. ❤️ It's nice to see they love me too.  

What a great idea Andy had for breakfast!

As a bonus, Skyline's coffee was great too.  They said they're serving Graeter's coffee.  I need to check THAT out… :) Funny that Andy happened to be wearing that hat!

Early Father’s Day breakfast trip

I was even chauffeured by Andy❣️

Andy was driving so I captured my shadow.

That's a little too hard to do when you're in the driver seat. ;)


My mom got me the perfect Father’s Day card and gift!

How could she know I would use shop towels…?! Hahahaha.  She bought me a set of foot pegs too! But you won't see those for a couple days.

Zoe likes Brutus too!

It's fun to run around town with her in right there with me.

Say hello to my little friends… :)

All lined up and ready to go for a full day of show and tell. I had to tap at least three different sources to find all these!

An early day at the range

A beautiful day too, perfect for an open air ride to class. 

I got Zac’s lights all mounted and working!

I like the look, placement and how clean they look right there.  I'll use them for trail lights.  Some people use them to ward off tailgaters…

I also started working on beefing up my fenders and corners.  You can see the before and after in the bottom left then right. 


Julie’s snail jammed himself up.

She couldn't find him in the terrarium and then noticed he was all the way up in the lid checking it out.

Beautiful sunset scene on the way home from an errand.

It's fun to do errands in my open air vehicle.  Makes me wanna go out. ;)

Zoe, king of all she sees.

Zoe was hanging with me while I worked on my Jeep fenders.  At one point, I found her out there sitting in a sunbeam and just surveying her kingdom.  She's become very content to just be around me.  She's accustomed to all the noises and seems to really enjoy it when we're out there.  

Oh my, so many options…

I thought this interface for the light controller on my Jeep was pretty crazy looking.  Maybe I need some lighted antennas too?! Hahaha.

Tinkering with Brutus my Jeep

Zac gave me some pod lights for Christmas.  I never had a chance to put them in Daisy, but now I did with Brutus.  Even better, there was a spare switch on the console it came with.  First I got them wired in and proved the concept to myself.  Now I just need to route them and mount them up.  It's fun to play around with what I want to do instead of spending all my time and money on fixing what broke… ;)